Current events for!

Hey guys! Here are the events that is either currently participating in or just about to be.

Collabor88 - September - "Miami Electric"

The Gloria.Heels will be available at this round of Collabor88 through October 7th. They are available in 10 versions, including a few suede neutrals for those of you who don't like the glitter. Please note that the glitter versions will not be sold in-store after the event is over!

The Gathering - October 1st - October 15th

The Gathering opens on October 1st and is a special gacha event started by veteran creators. They created this quality event for a small group of designers to benefit customers!

I have created two pairs of platforms for this special event, both included in one gacha. There are 4 commons and 2 rares for L$50 a play! The Lily & Xela.Platforms are compatible with your Slink High Feet and Belleza Mesh Body.

Stay tuned for more news and updates! <3